Letting Art, Literature & Cultural Activities enableWell-Being & Harmony
A registered social initiative which aims to bring well-being to people and harmony in the society by using arts, literature and cultural activities as a catalyst of change.
Can art, literature and cultural activities be the catalyst for wellness and harmony?
The answer lies in experiencing it first hand.
Your bit, can ignite a spark.
What We Do?
We design experiences and festivals to indulge people with arts, literature and cultural activities.
We handhold the enthusiast for their first artistic expressions.
We train and facilitate artists, authors and enthusiast move ahead in their passion.
We support people from all age-groups, gender and socio-economic background.
Ongoing Initiatives
Pune’s World Book Day
Rap Training to Children of Wadari Community
People’s Book
THE SITE IS UNDER CONTINOUS UPDATION. If you seek any more details contact at +91 77985 78140 or harmony@paalvia.org